SWITS Legal Boot Camp

Andre Sayles

Lieutenant Andre Sayles, Beloit Police Department

Date: July 21, 2018

Time: 8am-12pm

Location: Delavan Lake Resort, 1505 S Shore Dr, Delavan, WI 53115

Cost: $50 for non-SWITS staff employees, $20 for students, free for SWITS staff employees

Title: Street Gangs and Gun Terminology

Presenter: Lieutenant Andre Sayles of the Beloit Police Department

Description: This training is designed to build competency in street gangs and gun terminology.

Attendees will learn about how to recognize gang indicators and how gang crimes differ from other crimes.

The training presents information about gathering intelligence, investigating gang crimes, and performing gang suppression activities to provide interpreters with a deeper understanding of some of the situations they may encounter on the job.

The instructor will also present on gun terminology to help attendees improve their understanding of guns and gun vocabulary.

This event has been approved for 3.5 Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program credits.


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