A message from SWITS director Saúl Arteaga!

Our anniversary cake

Dear friends, colleagues, and clients:

Every anniversary that SWITS achieves, we celebrate and cannot help but think back to our beginnings with just three staff members in the office and working primarily for a government organization in Walworth County, Wisconsin. Now we are serving several organizations in Wisconsin and northern Illinois and have grown to ten people in our office.

This year we are celebrating our eleventh year in business. Yes, eleven years of providing services and learning every day. SWITS is proud to have been able to build a strong team of language professionals with a vocation for providing high-quality services as well as a great administrative staff that understands the dedication and consistency needed to provide services to our customers 24/7.

Our team hits the road at all hours of the day and night, regardless of the weather. A client told us once: “If an ambulance is out there so SWITS can be out there.” We have lived up to that expectation.

Every day, our team works hard to maintain the pace and meet the demands for language services. Because of this, SWITS has also built a loyal list of customers who trust us with their language needs as well as solid relationships with many supporters who help our organization with pilot projects, sponsoring, community involvement, and mentorship.

I want to thank to all of you for being part of our organization and for being there to accomplish and deliver quality, timely services to our clients.

-Saúl Arteaga

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