Introducing the SWITS Interpreter Coach

Ousia Whitaker-DeVaultHello SWITSers!

I have recently started a new project which I am excited to share with you. Starting this Fall, in addition to working as a Spanish staff interpreter, I will be acting as an “Interpreter Coach” and visiting all SWITS interpreters on site. If time and circumstance allow, I will introduce myself, share any observations I have made, and ask questions about your experience interpreting. In other cases, I may reach out later instead via email or phone.


My aim is to act as a resource for all SWITS interpreters by offering reminders about codes of ethics and company policies, and by documenting insights and experiences of SWITS interpreters to share with others. In particular I am interested in the improvisational and other creative skills interpreters develop in order to maintain professionalism and interpret effectively during tricky or unexpected situations. This blog will serve as a forum to publish my tips for better interpreting, with the aim to improve customer satisfaction.”


I look forward to speaking with those of you I have not yet met, as well as getting to see you in action! I expect I will learn a great deal from all of you, and welcome the opportunity to share your techniques and ideas. With questions or comments, please contact me at

Best Regards,
Ousia Whitaker-DeVault

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